Saturday 28 November 2020

Chanukah is just around the corner

Did you notice the weather has changed? Hot sweaty summer nights have gradually turned into cool, breezy evenings and I have pulled out some extra blankets from the closet’s top shelf. For me it is officially winter, which means Chanukah is just around the corner. It’s my favorite holiday, which is always associated with sweet childhood memories.

"Gillis Meat Workshop" - the best steak in the country.

 Warning: this post is not for vegetarians! 

Have you ever been to a meat restaurant where the cows  are in the backyard? Do you appreciate good meat? If so, welcome to "Gillis Meat Workshop"!  This unique restaurant is just for you!

"Gillis meat workshop" is located in Moshv Nov (in the southern Golan Heights). It is managed by the Gillis family. They grow the cattle themselves and it's quite clear  that they know their way with flesh. The menu contains a large variety of excellent beef . Though it is open only once a week people come from all over the country to enjoy delicious meat and good hospitality.      

Tuesday 24 November 2020

My emotions prior to my living in Belgium.

As a child, I always thought about how lovely and what an experience it could be if I were to live in a different country. I thought about how wonderful it could be to learn a new language and meet new people and thought about how amazing it could be to tell my children about this experience. For this piece of writing, you have to know that my father works for the prime minister’s office and he travels every week. My father would leave the country on Sunday morning and would come back on Friday morning. 

When I was at the beginning of fifth grade my parents came into my room and told me and my sister, who was with me playing a card game, and they told me that the whole family is going to move to Belgium because of my father’s workplace request. At first, I was amazed that someone actually heard what I had said to myself (the thought of how cool it could be to live abroad) and I was very excited!! Slowly, slowly the news sunk in, and then I started to process the fact that I will be moving to another country and that I have to say goodbye to my family, friends, school, house, and Israel! I was never good at goodbyes and I absolutely HATE changes! I started to cry and started to worry about all the changes that I was going to encounter. My parents consoled me and told me that it was going to be okay and that we will go through this together as a family so I shouldn’t feel alone. That sentence really made me feel better. 

Monday 23 November 2020

Life is sweet

"Life's too short, eat dessert first" (Jacques Torres), that’s what's written on my brother's kitchen wall. "I couldn’t agree more", I told him when I came for a visit and saw this statement.

Sunday 22 November 2020

Discovering Ancient Saqqara After 4400 Years


Lantern Slide Collection: Views, Objects: Egypt.
- Apis Tombs, passage showing Sarcophagi Recess,
Sakkara., n.d., Brooklyn Museum Archives (Taken from
I watched on Netflix a documentary about Saqqara and was fascinated by the skillful work describing one of the most impressive archeological findings in the world.

According to Wikipedia, Saqqara is a large, ancient burial place found in Egypt. Saqqara used for burial in  ancient Egyptian. Saqqara is characterized by many  pyramids, including the -famous Step pyramid of Djoser. Saqqara is located 30 km (19 mi) south of modern-day Cairo; Saqqara stretches on  an area of around seven by 1.5 km (4.35 by 0.93 mi) (Wikipedia, ).

Friday 13 November 2020

The History of Bees, a book by Maja Lunde


  This contemporary fiction bestseller is not as dry as it sounds. It is a very clever and beautifully written novel by the Norwegian writer Maja Lunde with three plots from different eras that are masterfully woven together. I've started reading this book recently and I am enjoying it so much that I don't want it to end.

 This book not only examines who we are as human beings and where we are headed,  climate change, industrialization, catastrophes, but it also focuses on family relationships and family legacy. In my opinion, family relationships are the key element .

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Rock isn't dead

 "Rock is dead". So I've heard from so many people. I have been told that: "Rock vanished during the '90s". So, how come Nirvana is still rocking my headphones? How is it that Led Zeppelin from the '70s are still on repeat in my playlist, and am I the only remaining fan? The short and simple answer which is traditionally used in the rock'n'roll scene is HELL NO. 

Tuesday 10 November 2020

A trip to the US- Education, travel, and fun.

 “Shlichut”: A trip to the US- Education, travel, and fun.

The "Bnei Akiva" organization sends shlichim every year to different locations in order to encourage Aliya (moving to Israel). Sapir (my friend) and I met on the organization's "shlichut" (being an educational representative abroad) for the first time, and had the most powerful experience together, without having known each other before. I had a dream to go on a shlichut for a long time.

Monday 9 November 2020

One Pandemic you will definitely want to catch:)

Stuck in isolation for two weeks?  All of your kids at home and you feel like you're losing your mind? Nervous about going outdoors? Well, I recommend bringing  Pandemic into your house...No no- not what  you're thinking- THE PANDEMIC (You-know-what)- I'm talking about a fantastic game called Pandemic.

Tuesday 3 November 2020


If one asks, “what is organization?” another might answer: “when every item has a designated space”, but that is not the definition Clea and Joanna would say. 

I have recently started watching a new show on Netflix called The Home Edit. It is about two childhood friends who have opened a business in which they go to people’s houses and organize different parts that need to be organized, decluttered, and decorated in a new way. 

As an organizing freak myself, there are many things that inspired me to change the way I organize, but there were also things they did which I did not like.