Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Rock isn't dead

 "Rock is dead". So I've heard from so many people. I have been told that: "Rock vanished during the '90s". So, how come Nirvana is still rocking my headphones? How is it that Led Zeppelin from the '70s are still on repeat in my playlist, and am I the only remaining fan? The short and simple answer which is traditionally used in the rock'n'roll scene is HELL NO. 

First and foremost, everyone is obviously aware of the fact that electronic pop music is at the top of the charts across the world. However, consider this: does popularity indicate quality? In this case, HELL NO Unlike rock, pop is more focused on the common denominator. This is why contemporary mainstream music is so shallow and artificial: It is shallow because most of the songs repeat corny topics like falling in love, flirting or relationships in general. It is artificial because even the songwriters themselves admit that sometimes, there is no background story or any experience behind his songs, his purpose and motto are quite simple: making music for money.

On the other hand, (or on another "note"), rock music has always dealt with a variety of emotions like happiness, rage or love (this time, real love, with real struggles and insights). Jim Morrison was the lead singer and the poet of The Doors, one of the eternal rock icons during the late ‘60s. He was known for his artistic soul and courageous lyrics. In an interview in 1969 he said: "I know it's become cool nowadays to entitle yourself as 'a singer songwriter' but as for me, well.. I am a poet."

Finally, I would like to recommend a real masterpiece- The Doors debut album. If you like dark poetry you’re definitely going to enjoy it.: here’s a link: 


  1. As a rock fan I must agree with you, although recently I find myself always returning to Elvis... for real quality vocals..

  2. Elvis is the undisputed king :) no doubt about that.

  3. Doron, that was such an interesting article to read! What made you grow in interest in music?

  4. I must agree,rock isn't dead. Led Zeppelin and Nirvana are the best bands in the entire world, love them!

    1. I wonder who this anonymous commenter is :)
      In 'About a Boy' there are lots of Nirvana references, especially in the upcoming Chapter 20 ;)

    2. It's me :) I accidentally replyied from my husband's email....
