Monday, 1 March 2021

Positive Corona?


Do you feel that the periods of the quarantine are a positive or a negative experience for you?

Did the corona make you think about the way you live your life?

Did it make you feel you would like a change?

During the corona quarantine I was at home with my four little children while my husband  worked normally. Despite the restrictions and the resulting difficulties, I found the quality time I had with my children very satisfying. It made me wonder what my priorities in life are, and whether I live according to them.

What do you say? If not for financial necessity, would you prefer to spend less time at work and more time at home? I definitely would, and it seems that I’m not alone. The other day I read in the Times of Israel that “A majority of Israeli workers are unhappy with their work-life balance…"

Another consequence of long working hours is their effect on our health, as I've seen published in the results of research by the national Institute of Occupational Safety and Health: “long working hours and psychosocial working conditions have negative effects on health in a variety of direct and indirect ways”. And, of course, there are also benefits of parents and children spending more time together.

South University’s counseling and psychology department claims that “Parents and children both benefit from spending quality family time together. Children feel special when their parents take the time to do fun activities with them, as even simple everyday errands can make for a great bonding experience”, “it can create a stronger emotional bond between parents and children… and children are less likely to exhibit behavioral problems”.

All this reading has only strengthened my original thought that work has taken over our lives to an unreasonable extent. We work long hours in order to provide for our children and family, whereas what they really need most is our time and attention.

I didn't enjoy the corona quarantine, but if one good thing has come out of this situation it’s the fact that it has made me more aware of the way I would like to live my life.

What do you say?


1 comment:

  1. Another good thing about the quarantine is that we can learn on-line and don't have the long commute to the college ;)
