Sunday 17 January 2021

Cake Lab

Have you ever wondered what happens when a pharmacist falls in love with baking?

Hussein Shakra, a good friend of mine who I met while working at a pharmacy in Jerusalem, is a pastry chef who inexplicably continues to work at the pharmacy.

Hussein discovered baking out of his love for sugar dough design. After years of making shaped cakes, he enrolled in confectionery studies at the "Bishulim" school in Tel Aviv. After graduating he celebrated his 34th birthday and received a camera as a gift from his relatives he also decided to fly to Paris, the pastry capital of the world.


This is how his blog was born, which has developed into Hussein devoting his entire life to experimenting in the kitchen. 

In which case, his kitchen is his own little lab. 


Hussein’s blog is written in Hebrew and English and written with meticulous care.

His posts always start with him sharing a nice story, just like a personal diary. He then continues with an accurate recipe, a result of many experiments and failures. 

I can objectively attest that this is the most honest and interesting blog I have read in a long time. I highly recommend it to those who love baking!  


  1. Hi Reut, I enjoyed reading your post. Hussein expresses curiosity and courage to follow his heart. I think he is right as we live only ones, and life is short, as the proverb says, therefore we have to try to fulfill our desires as much as we can. Your writing is simple at the eye level. Reading your post, I felt honesty and warmth. Indeed, God resides in simplicity. I wish we all could feel safe and courageous enough to follow our desires and dreams.

  2. Wow Reut, this is a real treasure!!!! I wish I had friends like Hussein, surly he needs help here and there tasting... I immediatly advertised this precious site in a few whatapp groups. State of the art confectionary, really talanted guy.
