Thursday, 17 December 2020


 First and foremost, procrastination is a term which means the delay of important tasks or errands. personally, I wouldn't call it procrastinating. In my opinion, this is no more than laziness. I mean, we all have things to do, some people know how to get things done while others are busy wasting time instead. Of course, I don't include those who have emotional issues, or those who live on the road like musicians.

I am referring to people who prefer being on Facebook than making a living for themselves. These people, ironically, also have the biggest, loudest mouths. I have met a lot of productive people who do not complain or mention procrastination at all..

Personally I’d rather be doing something than watching another stupid video. In addition, there is a group of lazy people who are obsessed with photos. They just can't get enough of it, they take 60 selfies a day. To me that's disturbing. I think some of the blame is on this modern era we live in because, as determined as you think you are, a video game will always be more thrilling than doing your laundry. Anyway,I would keep things prioritized properly and never postpone them. 
Some rappers mock other rappers by calling them lazy, I tend to agree. If you want to achieve something in life,  just go for it, nobody else is going to take care of your responsibilities. That's just how life works. I am aware that it has become cool to declare yourself as lazy, probably that's the image people are trying to present online.

Well, broke people are lazy too. Totally.

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